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Bermuda Triangle

Joshua Slocum was the first person to drive a  boat around the globe, but he disappeared. The scientists found out that he disappeared because of the Bermuda Triangle. A man named William did a play  named the Tempest, but people didn’t care until the 20th century because a 542 ship disappeared with 300 men and 10,000 pounds of manganese .It all sank near Barbados. Woodrow Wilson. the President, prayed to God to tell him what happened to all the ships and boats. Cylops’ sister ships also vanished  into thin air without leaving a trace.


Some people think that the people disappeared because of a giant squid, an enormous sea monster, or because of alien abductions. Navy airplanes went on a mission on a Sunday and then disappeared.The Bermuda Triangle is nicknamed, the Devil's sea by Japan.The Bermuda Triangle is close to some of the trenches. When planes fly over the the Bermuda Triangle, it throws lightning at them.

I think that the alien's are the ones that make the cumpouses malfunction.  I think that inside of the Bermuda Triangle, there are aliens.The Avenger sent some planes called iron birds because they are like tanks. A ship saw a big fireball where the planes were flying and they were sure that it was there.Some people still think that it was because of a giant squid that was attacking the boats.

The Bermuda Triangle kills alot of people when they’re driving a boat or flying a plane, because when they fall into the Bermuda triangle it throws lightning. Then, a man named William made a play about it. Nobody cared but then they found out that the play really happened. Some people first thought that it was because of a giant squid.Then, the navy went and looked for the people, but the Bermuda Triangle threw lightning at the plane. My opinion is that aliens put the Bermuda Triangle in the water, but other people think it is a giant squid. The Bermuda Triangle is like the most dangerous thing it the world, but some people don't care, let people get hurt, and let them go over the boat.

By Maria C.

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