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4,500 years ago, Pharaoh Khufu began the first Giza pyramid. It was made back in 2550 B.C. The pyramids were built because they protect body of deceased.
Wildung said the find reinforces the notion that the pyramid builders were free men. He said that they chose random people to be their slaves, and for them to build the pyramids. The people he chose where ordinary citizens. Before the Giza pyramid was built,the Egyptians built mastabas. This first attempt at building the pyramid had a vertical shaft leading into the royal tomb. Pyramids were really built in 2630 B.C. Hawass said evidence from the site indicates that the approximately 10,000 laborers working on the pyramids ate 21 cattle and 23 sheep sent to them daily from farms.   


Back in 1977 Egyptians who built the pyramid were called slaves. They were not actually slaves. They were called slaves because they had to take orders from the leader. Back then a lot of people had been using them to build stuff for them. They told them if they did not do what they said, they would be suffocated. Their proximity to the pyramids and the manner of burial in preparation for the afterlife backs this theory, Hawass said.


500 years ago, pyramids were the largest structures on Earth. The best known were constructed in Egypt and Central America, but others have been found all around the world, including in China, Africa and Indonesia.Some theories are that that aliens from another world may have built them. The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt might explain how some engineering feats were accomplished. Not many people think that aliens helped them and i'm one of them. I don't really think that aliens helped them back then. It doesn't mean that aliens did help them. People say that because that’s their opinion.They would always say that their opinion was right, but people did not believe what he said.

The person who made the pyramids was too lazy to build them, so he chose random people, and told them to build the pyramid for him.

They were called slaves because they were forced to build the pyramids.

Some people think that aliens were the ones who built the pyramids, but many other people do not believe that. So they never found out if it was true or not.

My opinion is that aliens did not build the pyramids, only because aliens come from outer space and I don't know how they could stay on earth that long.

There are many people telling others that it was true and not true, so I hope one day they find out if aliens did build the pyramids.

By: Cecilia S.

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