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My name is Haylee and my plant report is on the Apple Tree. The apple tree is a type of tree. It is also a type of fruit and apple trees habitat is in North America, Central America, Asia, and Europe. The Latin name is malus domestica. What does an apple tree need to survive? Apple trees need water, wind, sunlight, and space to grow its roots. My plant is used for people to have food. People need our apples. Apples are important because what if you want to make  applesauce. Apple trees are a member of the rose family apples. Also are pears and peaches too. To make apple cider you need 40 gallons of fresh apple juice. That is alot to make apple cider. Apples naturally will grow into a tree from 12 to 20 feet high and will produce apples from 6 to 10 years.

The water feeds to the plant by the plant by the roots.The roots are underground in the soil.The plant food is stored in the roots.The plant help the plants stand straight up.  

A stem picks up the water and takes it to the flower and leaves.The water, carbon dioxide,

and sunlight turn into energy.

If it rain the leaves will get fed.It first will come to the leaves.It breathes in the carbon

Dioxide the breathes out oxygen.

A flower makes seeds so more flower can be made It helps with pollination. A flower also helps create fruit on some trees.


Fallen Apples
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