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PROJECT 7: Rainbow Rose



My name is Jayden G. and my plant report is on the rainbow rose. My age is 7 years old. I love rainbow roses because rainbows are beautiful. When it rains al the plants get wet and a rainbow appears after it rains. That's just like a rainbow rose. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. I want to teach math. 





I'm Katherine C. and my plant is the Red Rose. I chose this plant because I like the color red and they are prettier than a butterfly. I'm 7 years old. I like bunnies, butterflies, and other cute animals and creatures. I care most about my friends, family, teachers, and cousins. 


PROJECT 2: Apple Tree



My name is Haylee C. and my plant is an apple tree. I chose this plant because I like apples and my favorite color is red. I'm 7 years old and I am a 2nd grader. When I grow up I want to have a big garden. We grew a garden outside in GT class.


PROJECT 3: Red Daisy



My name is Serina G. and my plant report is a Red Daisy. I like red daisies because it looks pretty. My age is 7 and I am in 2nd grade. I chose this plant because I searched it up on Google and liked the way it looked. When I grow up I want to work with plants because I think it will be really fun. You get to put seeds. You have to dig before you put the seeds. 


PROJECT 4: Grapevine



My name is Jyselle R. and I am 7 years old. I chose a grapevine. I like grapevines because the fruit is tasty and yummy. My birthday is in August and my favorite color is purple. I'm in 2nd grade. I like planting and gardening. I like using technology.


PROJECT 5: Blue Mink



I am Tabata F. My report is on the flower Blue Mink. I chose to do this plant because it's all about me and my plant. I am 8 years old and I like to plant flowers and small trees. That is why I did this plant report. I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up. 


PROJECT 6: Poppy



My name is Jaylynn C. and my plant report is on a poppy flower. I chose it because pink is my favorite color. I am 8 years old. I am in 2nd grade. I like puppies, dogs and bunnies. When I grow up I want to plant lost of plants all over the yard. My favorite subject is math. I like to plant little trees. 

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