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By: Jyselle R.


My plant report is on a peony. It is mostly white but it is many other colors too. The Latin name for my plant is paeonia. It can be located in Asia, Europe, and North America. The weather that is best for my plant is when it is cool and wet. My plant needs sun, cool weather, and to stay wet. It needs a lot of water. Eating this plant helps women get pregnant.

So first you put flower seeds in the ground, and you need to put water on it everyday. It needs to have plenty of sunlight. A peony is pearly and pretty. Peony can be white, yellow, and many other colors. When it rains, it gets rainbowish. Peonies bloom from late may to fall. Peonies can’t be blue. They are the 12th wedding anniversary flower.

There's a Chinese peony. The peony can be pink, purple, or yellow. My favorite is the purple. They are meant to be little.They are different colors.

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