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My name is Tabata and my plant report is a Blue Mink.The habitat of the Blue minks are found in the north island but it is reported in the christchvrch area. The latin name of the blue mink is ageratum houstohianum.A blooming need full sun and in hot areas it needs a shade. The life cycle of a blue mink is to a fruit to the seeds to a young plant to a mature plant to a flower.The blue mink can be eight to ten inches tall.The word mink of blue mink  is used for the two sole species of animals.And the blue minks can bloom through summer and fall.

The cycle of the oxygen goes like this,first the bad air gets to the flower and then, the flower gives us the good oxygen and will get to live more time and that’s the oxygen cycle.

The pollination is when the bees go flower to flower and she gets the nectar.When the bees get the nectar the nectar gets stuck to their feet.The bees then spread the pollen from flower to flower. It helps flowers to make seeds and vegetables. Pollen can be moved by other animals not only bees.

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