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Cherry Blossom

By: Tabata F.


My plant is a tree with flowers. The color for a cherry blossom tree is pink. A cherry blossom is a flower of several tree prunus , particularly the Japanese cherry prunus, serrulta, which is called sakura. The cherry blossom tree can be located in Paris. The best weather for a cherry blossom tree is sunny, with little wind. A cherry blossom tree needs full sun, partial shade, or mostly shady locations. They all work. The cherry blossom tree helps people by the birds eating the blossoms. They excess the pollen.  The life cycle of a cherry blossom tree starts from a mature tree with fruits, then to the fruit with seed. Next, from the seed to the sprouting seed. It sprouts to a sapling, then from the sapling to the small tree. Then, to the mature tree with flowers. Last, from the mature tree with flowers, to the mature tree with fruits and keeps repeating.

One detail is that the cherry blossom tree grows in Paris. Another detail is that the cherry blossom tree can be red. Cherry blossom trees should be placed in a sheltered location. Cherry blossom trees grow up to 20 and 40 feet. The cherry blossom also grows in the United States. The cherry blossom tree’s petals are mostly pink. Its flowers emit a pleasant almond scent. The colors of my plant are red or pink. It looks like a tree  with pink or red flowers.

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