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Red Daisy

By Serina G.

My name is Serina and my plant report is on red daisies. It can  survive in both dry and wet places.The Latin name is Perennis. This plant needs water, air, and sunlight. If I don't give it that it won't survive.You can eat a red daisy. It helps you go to the bathroom like a laxative.The red  daisy can grow from 3 to 4 feet in height. Daisies have about 4,000 species. They differ in size, shape, color, and type of habit.

The water feeds the roots.The roots are underground in the soil.The plant food is stored in the roots. The roots help the plants stand straight up.

A stem picks up the water and takes it to the flower and the leaves. The water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight turn into food in a process called photosynthesis.

If it will rain the leaves will get fed. It first will feed the flower and then it will come to the leaves. A leaf is good for us. It breathes in the carbon dioxide and breathes out oxygen. That is good air for us.You know plants breathe carbon dioxide and they breath out oxygen. Oxygen is good for us it helps us breath. l love plants a lot. l hope no plants die.A flower makes seeds so more flowers can be made. It helps with pollination.

Cirtrus Leaves
Wild Flowers
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